Let's grow together

Internship: Educational Consultant


Siga’s mission is to help the economy transition into a fully functional and fundamentally different state. A state that is viable in terms of sustainability, equality and transparency.

Siga’s aim is to help the world move into a new type of economy. A type that focuses on three main pillars, being: value, adaptability and transparency. Siga believes that by concentrating on these items, the world can move into a healthier type of economy that will not transgress on the world’s finite resources.

We are a team of ten core members, but hire many freelancers to help us with our ventures and in our mission. We have applied our knowledge worldwide to consult governments, progressive businesses and fore-seeing entrepreneurs how to move into a fast-changing global context. We offer solutions that can compellingly enable a conveyance of how the economy operates. By holistic strategies that alter entire systems, by producing scalable infusions and by tackling critical problems, we move the economy forward towards a responsible and ethically capable economy.

Recently, Siga has also moved their consultancy effort towards institutions who offer educational programmes that focus on commercial economy. Together, we’ve created educational, interactive programmes that bring awareness to students on the challenges and importance of the transition to Next Economy. By fully exposing these students to the necessity of a new economic model, they we to create responsible and visionary new business leaders.


To support our educational consultant, we are looking for a driven and dedicated intern whose own ideals and ideologies coincide closely with ours.

The internship starts late October 2023 and should last for 5-6 months, though the specifics and starting date are a bit flexible depending on your specific situation and location. The internship is paid. The internship would be 3-5 days/week. You can either come to our office or work from home.


  • Experience with
    • Educational systems (working knowledge of marketing/retail/business studies is preferable)
    • Curriculum development
    • Educational consultancy
    • Innovation
    • Digitalisation in education
    • Blended Learning Environments
  • The ability to work independently
  • Great attention to detail
  • Great team working skills
  • An interest in next business
  • An aligned philosophy of building a sustainable future

To apply:

To apply for the position, please send your CV and letter of motivation to info@siga.company

The deadline to apply is August 31, 2023 at 23:59 CET. 

Please note: we will be evaluating applications as they come in, so the earlier you apply for the position the higher the chance of being invited for an interview.

Contact us if you're interested in this internship