Our mission is to help the economy transition into a fully functional and fundamentally different state

About us


Siga’s mission is to help the economy transition into a fully functional and fundamentally different state. A state that is viable in terms of sustainability, equality and transparency.

Siga’s aim is to help the world move into a new type of economy. A type that focuses on three main pillars, being: value, adaptability and transparency. Siga believes that by concentrating on these items, the world can move into a healthier type of economy that will not transgress on the world’s finite resources.

To achieve this aim, Siga mainly consults governments, progressive businesses and fore-seeing entrepreneurs how to move into a fast-changing global context. We offer solutions that can compellingly enable a conveyance of how the economy operates. By holistic strategies that alter entire systems, by producing scalable infusions and by tackling critical problems, we move the economy forward towards a responsible and ethically capable entity.

Recently, Siga has also moved their consultancy effort towards institutions who offer educational programmes that focus on economy in any way. Together, we’ve created educational, interactive programmes that bring awareness to students on the challenges and importance of the transition to Next Economy. By fully exposing these students to the necessity of a new economic model, we help to create responsible and visionary new business leaders.


No matter your background, no matter which country you call home, when it comes to evolving the economy, Siga believes in a set of principles which everyone within the company embraces.


Everything is connected. Change one aspect, and is has consequences for the entire organisation. By maintaining an overview, and realising that only by addressing the problem as a complete system, we can create the most meaningful changes.


Now more than ever, we need leaders and organisations that are brave enough to go big. With this we mean that we need to set aspiring aims and enable visionary projects that offer big rewards and set high standards, both for the economy, as well as ourselves.


No solution ever comes from just one person. By talking with each other, and connecting to one another, we often reach new and impactful answers to the most challenging questions.


Words without actions are meaningless. We move through every layer of an organisation, connecting with stakeholders and contexts so ideas and prospects can truly lift off.


Sometimes the softest voice carries the grand solution. We believe everyone contributes in their own way, and as such we inspire individual growth and motivate the enterprising spirt in all of us. When we see someone succeed, we cheer them on and celebrate their success.

Don't hesitate to contact us!